YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 Sep. 19, 20, 21 at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013
Sep. 19, 20, 21
at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

Talk Information

Talk Title

git flux - a branching model that works


(English follows Japanese)


同僚とチームで開発しながら、たくさんブランチ管理システムを使ってみて、このgit fluxというシステムを作りました。


There are a bazillion different ways to use git, which is of course a blessing and a curse. You can use it any way you like, but that puts the burden on you to figure out what's best.

Well we've already done a lot of hard work of figuring out what works well. I'm here to explain how we use git at Infinity Interactive to ship great software to our clients.

Talk Details

Venue Multiprupose Room 3
開始時間 2013-09-21 11:20:00
Talk Category Tutorial
Language English
Slide Subtitles Japanese
Talk Duration 20 minutes
Material (Difficulty) Level Regular
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