YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014

Aug. 28, 29, 30 at KEIO Univ. Hiyoshi Campus [There Is More Than One Way To Enjoy It!]

Talk Information

Introducing Swift - and the Sunset of Our Culture?


Apple recently released a language called Swift. As a language it appears to be the best of both worlds -- a script language that emits native codes. But I've got a feeling it means more than just a language. The talk roughly consists of 4 parts as follows:

  1. Introducing Swift
  2. Script Languages vs "Compiler" Languages
  3. Free Software vs. Open Source
  4. The Sunset of Our Culture

Talk Details

Venue Multiprupose Room 3
Starts On 2014-08-29 11:00:00
Talk Category Tutorial
Language Japanese
Slide Subtitles English
Talk Duration 40 minutes
Material (Difficulty) Level Regular
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