2015年5月の RFC 化完了以降、主要なウェブブラウザの HTTP/2 対応が急速に進んでいます。今年末までには、HTTPS トラフィックの過半は HTTP/2 を利用するようになるでしょう。
本セッションでは、先進的な HTTP/2 サーバとして注目されている H2O の主開発者である奥一穂が、HTTP/2 策定の背景と HTTP/1.1 に対する優位性、HTTP/2 時代にむけたウェブサイト設計のポイントについて説明します。
Since the completion of the standardization process in May 2015, Web browser vendors are rushing to support HTTP/2. It is likely that the majority of HTTPS traffic will be using HTTP/2 by the end of this year.
In this session, Kazuho Oku, the lead developer of H2O which is gaining world-wide attention for its advanced features in its HTTP/2 support, talks about the background of HTTP/2 specification, its advantages over HTTP/1.1, and how to architect the websites for the HTTP/2 era.
Talk Details
Venue | トラックD (605-606) |
Starts On | 2015-08-21 13:10:00 | -pc.html
Talk Category | Infrastructure / Operations |
Language | Japanese |
Interpretation (En→Ja) | NO |
Slide Subtitles | English |
Talk Duration | 60 minutes |
Material (Difficulty) Level | Regular |
May we take your photo? | allow |
May we record your talk? | allow |