Welcome Perl

date: 2010年9月 6日 12:43
author: Daisuke Maki
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YAPC Social on 10/15 | 懇親会開催のお知らせ&参加フォームご登録ください

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010懇親会を今年も10/15(金)の夜に開催いたします。

キャンセルの場合は必ず yapc at perlassociation.org までご連絡ください。
なお、今回の懇親会にはPalmquist Consulting社に協賛していただいております。


We're going to hold a mini party at the venue on 10/15 after the talks.

The entrance fee is 2000 yen. We'd like to get the idea of how many people are coming, so please sign up from this form.

If you signed up and can't make it, please make sure to let us know at
yapc at perlassociation.org we're going to host some sort of game that will get you a some goodies, too (sorry, we're being vague)

This year part of the costs of this mini party is being sponsored by Palmquist Consulting.