YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 Sep. 19, 20, 21 at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013
Sep. 19, 20, 21
at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

ニュース / NEWS

トーク採択結果発表 + BOF/交流スペースのお知らせ / Talk schdule up, BOF/Socialize

(English follows Japanese)



今回のYAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013には約70個の応募がありました。大変ありがたい限りです!


* 9/19 (前夜祭)スケジュール
* 9/20 スケジュール
* 9/21 スケジュール



9/20, 9/21の両日とも大きめの会場(最大収容人数150名ほど)を一つ開放し、BOFや交流に使えるスペースとして提供いたします。解放されている時間帯内で仲間を集って通常のYAPCセッションよりざっくばらんなプレゼンやBOFを行っていただけるほか、スペースが空いていればスピーカーの方や他の参加者達と交流をしていただいてもかまいません。小さめのプロジェクタ+スクリーンもいくつか用意します。場所は早い者勝ちですが、アンカンファンレスのノリでお気軽にご参加ください(BOF等を開催したい場合はイベントページで登録していただくと周知しやすいかもしれません)





We have now finished selecting the talks for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013.

This year we had about 70 talk submissions: A BIG thank you for all of you who have submitted your proposals. We spent a long time trying to figure out how to fit as many talks as possible, but in the end we had to reject about 20 talks.

The talk schedule is posted below:

* Day 0 (Pre-event social / Lightning Talk-thon)schedule
* 9/20 Day 1 Schedule
* 9/21 Day 2 Schedule

Please note that time/date of each talk is still subject to change.

Now, even if your talk was not accepted, there's still hope! This year we are providing a room (max capacity 150) to be used for BOFs and socializing. We will be providing with some projectors and screens. Space will be provided on first come first serve basis. If you plan to hold a BOF, it might be a good idea to register it in our events page

We will also be providing refreshments. Please come and socialize with your fellow Perl hackers!

Tickets are on sale, but only until 8/11 (JST). I repeat, only until 8/11 (JST)!