YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 Sep. 19, 20, 21 at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013
Sep. 19, 20, 21
at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

Talk Information

Talk Title

Postcards from the Edge: The State of Perl 5 Development





またこのトークではこれらの変更を議論しているperl5-porters(p5p)というメーリングリストについても語る予定です。p5pは 才能あふれつつも時折使えないプログラマーや愛好者達で構成されていますが、このグループでの開発をしていく上でうまく機能するところ、そしてうまくいかないところも紹介します


In Perl 5’s development, all changes land in the “blead” branch first: the bleading edge. Each year, more of these changes escape the blead branch and land in the year’s stable release of perl. Over the course of that year, they’re tested, argued over, redesigned, and then either accepted or rejected.

In this talk, Perl 5’s project manager will report on the year’s work, giving demonstrations of the new features added to Perl 5.18 as well as the old features marked for removal. We’ll look at features on the horizon for the next year or two.

All these changes go through the perl5-porters mailing list, an exciting, excited, sometimes dysfunctional collection of programmers and devotees, and we’ll talk about how that group works or doesn’t work, and what we’re trying to do to keep things awesome.

Talk Details

Venue Main Hall (Fujiwara Hiroshi Hall)
開始時間 2013-09-20 10:10:00
Talk Category Community
Language English
Slide Subtitles none
Talk Duration 40 minutes
Material (Difficulty) Level Beginner
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