YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014

Aug. 28, 29, 30 at KEIO Univ. Hiyoshi Campus [There Is More Than One Way To Enjoy It!]

ニュース / News

(English follows Japanese)

YAPC実行委員長になりましたゆーすけべーこと和田裕介です。去年まで運営をやっていた櫛井さんと牧さんに変わり、今年のYAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014は僕が運営委員長という立場で僕とコアスタッフ数名で準備を進めています。さて、会場周りの決定や制作物などが揃ってきましたので、公式サイトがやっとオープンになります。お待たせしました!



There is more than one way to enjoy it!

です。Perlでも謳っている「TMTOWTDI」にかけてました :-)






  • チケット販売情報
  • スピーカー向け情報
  • 会場案内
  • イベントトラックについて


不明な点などありましたら @yusukebe 宛か、ハッシュタグ #yapcasia をつけてTweetしていただければと思います。




Hi, this is Yusuke Wada: I will be overseeing this year's YAPC::Asia Tokyo. After Daisuke Maki (aka lestrrat) and Yusuke Kushii's retirement from the event last year, I have stepped up to keep the show going along with a few core staffers. After much preparation, we're finally ready to open the official website. Thanks for waiting!

This Year's Theme

This year, our theme is:

There is more than one way to enjoy it!

Yes, it's a pun on Perl's slogan: "TMTOWTDI"

The theme reflects how I have been feeling as a YAPC::Asia Tokyo participant for the last few years. At YAPC::Asia, not only can you meet and listen to all the cool hackers, but the communication that goes on at around the venue and at the socials gives us a great opportunity to talk about tech. There are always people who receives an epiphany during the event and start writing code t the venue. It's also a great place to renew old friendships and meet new ones.

YAPC gives us more than just the opportunity to talk about Perl, but it's a place for all engineers to have fun in all sorts of ways. This year, we plan to do everything possible to help you all find the right way for you to enjoy this event.


As every year, we plan to ask for "serious" talks, but we'll also have a track ("event track") dedicated for small events to help participants socialize. More details will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Event Notices (Mailing List)

While we will be posting updates and notices on this site, there will be a separate mailing list to send you more information like:

  • Ticket sales
  • Notices for speakers
  • Information about the venue
  • Information about the Event Track

which you can join from the form available on the main page. Please note, however, that this mail will be available JAPANESE ONLY.

If you have anyquestions, please contact @yusukebe on Twitter, or tweet using the hashtag #yapcasia

We're also still looking for sponsors. If you or your employer is interested, please checkout the Sponsors page!

See you soon!