世界最大のYAPCが最後の大花火をぶちあげに今年ももどってきました!YAPCはYet Another Perl Conferenceの略で、Perlに関するカンファレンス・・・いや、お祭りです!Perlだけに限らず、様々な分野のギーク達が集まり技術の話と楽しさに満ちた三日間のお祭りが開かれます。Perlに関連する事に興味がなくとも心配する必要は全くありません、YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015は技術者であれば誰でも楽しめるカンファレンスです。
なおJapan Perl Association主催のYAPC::Asia Tokyoは2015年開催を持って一旦ひとくぎりとなります。次回はありませんので、この最後のYAPC::Asia Tokyoに参加するチャンスを絶対に逃さないようにしてください!
The world's largest YAPC is back to create one last spectacle! YAPC is a grassroots conference for geeks: it stands for Yet Another Perl Conference and while its rooted in Perl, YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015 is an event that any engineer will be able to enjoy. We have talks for everybody! It's more like a 3-day festival filled with fun and geeky-ness than a all serious conference. We're sure you can have lots of fun with us.
Come see what's up with all the techies in the world, and what is currently driving them.
This is going to be the last YAPC::Asia Tokyo hosted by Japan Perl Association. THIS WILL BE THE LAST CHANCE TO ATTEND OUR YAPC! Do not miss out!
本フォームよりメールアドレスを登録いただくと、YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015のスピーカー募集開始やチケット情報、開催概要などの耳よりな情報を随時お届けいたします。
By subscribing to this mailing list, you will be notified about important events such as Call For Paper, ticket sales start date, and other special information about the event.
Brad Fitzpatrick is a long-time Perl hacker and Go gopher. Brad became obsessed with Perl starting with Perl 4 and built much open source infrastructure with it: the original version of memcached (in Perl), LiveJournal, MogileFS, Gearman, etc. He never fell in love with another programming language until 2010 when Brad found Go and started contributing to its standard library. Brad has worked on Go for over 5 years.
氏は学生時代に心理学を専攻したものの、卒業後その知識を生かせるのはPerlプログラマーしかない!と思い、その後その道を邁進したそうです。 氏は大量のCPANモジュールを提供するとともに、現在はCPANのメンテナンスもされています。そのほかにもCPAN::Metaスペック、CPAN Testers Metabaseなどを開発されている他現在では perlのプロジェクトマネージャーとして活躍されています。
Jonathan is a key contributor to Perl 6 development. He is the creator and architect of MoarVM, serves as a lead Rakudo Perl 6 developer, and has made extensive contributions to the object model, type system, and concurrency support. Besides his work on Perl 6, Jonathan teaches courses on a range of programming topics, and serves as a mentor and consultant at companies in various sectors. When he's not hacking or teaching, he enjoys travel, walks in the mountains, and relaxing with a good craft beer.
Kelsey Hightower Product Manager, Developer and Chief Advocate at CoreOS
Kelsey has worn every hat possible throughout his career in tech and enjoys leadership roles focused on making things happen and shipping software.
Kelsey is a strong open source advocate focused on building simple tools that make people smile. When he is not slinging Go code you can catch him giving technical workshops covering everything from Programming, System Administration, and his favorite Linux distro (CoreOS).
Ben works on internal tools, testing, and continuous delivery at GitHub. He lives and works in New Orleans, where he helps organize a weekly programmer meetup, http://nolahacknight.com
Casey is Principal Technologist for the Cloud Foundry team at Pivotal, where he plays with a powerful Open Source cloud platform. He creates healthy communities by advocating cultural and technological change.