
YAPC::Asia 2011 チケット・チェックインの方法 | How to Check-in

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011のチケット及びチェックイン方法についてのご案内です。

チケットをすでにご購入済みの方々はご購入時にメールですでに連絡が行っているはずです。そのメールの中に /2011/ticket/XXXXXXX のようなURLが記載されていますので、このページを表示できるかどうかご確認ください。該当ページにはQRコードが表示されるはずです。(なおこのページには後日ベストトーク賞の投票のためのリンクが当日記されます)



この後 ノベルティ・ストラップをお渡し致します。ストラップは再入場証明の代わりとなりますので、会場内では常に首にかけていただくとともに、なくさないようにしてください。




問題や質問があった場合は yapc at perlassociation.orgまでご連絡ください。


Here's how we are handling check-in for YAPC:Asia Tokyo 2011:

If you have already purchased a ticket, then you should have already received an email with a URL of the form "/2011/ticket/XXXXXX". Please check and see that you can display this page. In that page, there should be a two-dimensional barcode (BTW, a link for the Best Talk award votes should appear when YAPC starts)

We will be using a barcode reader to read this barcode, so please bring it when you come to the venue. You may choose to print it on paper, or you can simply bring a smartphone, tablet, etc that can display this barcode. Just make sure that it is clearly displayed and readable by a machine.

If you chose to pay at the venue, you will need to pay for the ticket when you check in. If you chose a student ticket, you need to bring proof that you are eligible for a student ticket.

Once your ticket is validated, you will be presented with a set of novelties from our sponsors, and a neck-strap. This neck-strap will be the used for admittance at the venue, so please wear it at all times during the conference, and please don't lose it!

In case you lose your ticket or you fail to bring proof that you're a student, you will need to pay for a regular ticket at 4500 JPY.

If you're a invited guest or a speaker, just let us know when you check-in, and we will handle it.

As previously announced, we will have a limited amount of tickets at the door. Please do note that these tickets will NOT come with novelties, and  you will not have a vote for the Best Talk award, and they come at 4500JPY. We should have ample number of tickets, so you shouldn't need to rush.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send mail to yapc at






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また、IRCは freenode上の #yapcasia-en (英語)と #yapcasia-ja です。
