YAPC::Asia 2011 前夜祭について | YAPC Eve Proceedings
(English follows Japanese)
いよいよ来週となったYAPC::Asia 2011、運営事務局も準備の最終確認に入っております。
Rejectされたトークを発表する"Reject Conf"を行います。
■YAPC::Asia 2011 前夜祭 概要
日時:10月13日(木) 17:00開場、18:00スタート
会場:東工大 大岡山キャンパス 100年記念館 3F フェライト会議室 (地図)
トーク:発表内容はこちらをご覧ください タイムテーブル
We're quickly closing in on YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011, it's just a couple of weeks away.
At this point we'd like to tell you a little bit about the proceedings during 10/13 "the YAPC Eve".
At the YAPC::Eve, we will be holding the "Reject Conf" -- this year we got so many talk submissions that we can carry another mini conference like this :)
■ YAPC::Asia 2011 RejectConf
When: Thursday, 10/13. Doors open at 17:00, starts at 18:00
Where: Titech Centennial Hall 3F (map)
What: Please refer to the time table here
If you already have a YAPC ticket, you can just drop by. If you don't have a YAPC ticket but you still want to attend just this event, we will be charging 1000JPY (You may opt to buy tickets at the door, which will be 4500 JPY with restrictions -- in which case you will be admitted to the main conference on 10/14 and 10/15)
Traditionally, the YAPC Eve event is a somewhat informal meetup, where people just hang around at the hall while presentations are going on in the seminar room. We will be serving beverages (including beer).
Here's what it looked like last year
You can listen to the talks or just hang around. Have fun!
Note, we will also be doing pre-checkin for the main conference. Please go though check-in during this time to avoid congestion during the next morning!