
トーク募集中+選考状況および基準 (Talks_And_Acceptance_Criteria)

(English follows Japanese)


YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011のトークは依然募集中・・・ですが!今年はなんと例年よりもはるかに多い応募をいただいていまして、嬉しい悲鳴をあげています。






  • 基本的には運営側が「おもしろそう」と思ったかどうかで判断します(が、後述の「いいね」の欄を参照)
  • 海外勢は優先的に採用します(わざわざ来て頂けるので当然です)
  • 一人複数応募の場合は、最大一個までしか採用されません
  • ネタがかぶる場合、内容的に採用・不採用が微妙な場合は各トークページにあるFacebook/Google+のいいね・+1を参考にします。聞きたいトークがある場合はボタンを押してあげてください!
  • それでも判断が難しい場合は運営側のスケジュールとの兼ね合いや独断で判断させていただきます




Thanks to all of you we're getting an overwhelming number of talk proposals for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011.

Unfortunately that means we will have to do the following two things:

First, we're going to have to move up the deadline for submitting proposals (as previously noted). Currently it looks like we're may have to close the form for new proposals by the end of next week (8/19 or so). If you haven't already submitted your proposals, please do so now!

Second, yes, we will have to reject quite a few talks :/ See below for selection criteria.

(BTW, we will probably hold a RejectConf on 10/13, which is usually the Pre-YAPC social day. If you're talk gets rejected but you still can make the RejectConf, you can come talk there!)

We will choose which talks get accepted based on the following criteria:

  • As a general rule, the organizers will choose talks that looks interesting (but please see the notes below for how to make your voice heard).
  • If the talk is submitted by a foreign speaker, it will take precedence. After all, they are making a great effort to come visit us.
  • If you submitted multiple proposals, we will only accept one of them.
  • If your proposal overlaps with somebody else's proposal, or maybe the organizers aren't quite sure what to make of it, we will checkout the number of +1's and Like's for each talk. If you want to hear a particular talk, please press those buttons!
  • If, after all of the above, no clear judgement can be made, the organizers will make a best effort to decide if gets accepted or not.
Of course we'd like to have as many speakers as possible, while still making it enjoyable for the attendees, so we'll try to accommodate everybody as much as possible. If you haven't already submitted your proposal, or if you have corrections/amendments to your already submitted proposal, please do so now! 






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また、IRCは freenode上の #yapcasia-en (英語)と #yapcasia-ja です。
