YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 Sep. 19, 20, 21 at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013
Sep. 19, 20, 21
at Keio Univ. Hiyoshi Campus

ニュース / NEWS

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 前夜祭はLTソン!


毎年YAPC::Asia Tokyoでは前夜祭と称して運営側の予行演習を兼ねたミニイベントを行っております。今年はどうしたもんかなーと思っていたのですが相談したところHachioji.pmの方々に昨年好評だったLTソンをプチ復活させていただける事になりました!わーいパチパチパチ!


というわけで9/19 18:00頃から2〜3時間(時間はまだ予定)ほどLTソンが行われます。とにかく時間と発表のある限りLTを続けるという企画。YAPC本編ではまだ敷居が高いなーなんて思っている人に是非参加して欲しいイベントです。皆さんも5分話すネタを持ってくれば飛び込みでLTができるはず!



・前夜祭でYAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013本編の受付も済ませることができます。



Each year we organize a mini-event on the day before the main YAPC proceedings. This year we're going to revive the wildly-popular LT-thon event in a slightly scaled back form for the night.


LT-thon is basically a non-stop Lightning Talk event, where people will keep giving one Lightning Talk after another as long as time and a presenter is available, and will be organized by the good people from Light snacks and drinks will be available courtesy of JPA/YAPC::Asia ornigazers.

To join this event (which will be held on 9/19 18:00~) please make sure to purchase any of the YAPC tickets. You will be able to register for the main YAPC event at the LT-thon, too. Please note that time of the event still due to change.

Hope to see you there, and don't forget to purchase your ticket!