News - 2015年6月

Jun 22

Best Talk Awards! | ベストトーク賞!

(English follows Japanese)




今年もベストトーク賞を参加者の投票により行う予定です。投票はお持ちのチケットのIDを使って、YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015開催期間中に行う事ができます。ベストトーク賞1位から3位に入賞した皆様には豪華賞品を進呈いたします!


第3位の方には YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015主催である牧がちょっと前に手に入れ堪能した飛騨高原ハムから 「骨付きももハム まるごと1本!」を進呈します。いきなりこれまでのYAPC::Asia Tokyoの歴史の中で前例の無いハムです。完全に主催の趣味です。うまいです!

出展:飛騨高原ハム・オンラインショップ 出展:飛騨高原ハム・オンラインショップ


第2位の方にはApple Watchを進呈します!モデルはリンクされているものを考えていますが、YAPC開催時点で販売されているものとなるので変更される可能性があります。




(賞品へのリンクおよび画像は 参考ないしイメージ です。詳細仕様は変更される可能性があります)




今年も豪華賞品がそろっていますので、皆様是非トークに磨きをかけてYAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015本番に臨んでください!あと、当然より多くの人にトークを見てもらったほうがより多くの得票を獲得できますので、是非ご自身のブログ等でトーク等について記事などを書いてください!


Congratulations, speakers!

If your talk was accepted, you should have received an email. You MUST confirm that you are able to attend and speak at our conference, so please check and confirm!

Best Talk Awards

Every year we decide on the Best Talk Awards based on votes from the attendees. If your talk is in the top 3, you get the following prizes!

3rd Place

Because the main organizer, yours truly, enjoyed it so much earlier this year, we are going to send you this big chunk of ham「骨付きももハム まるごと1本!」. We have never done this before, but I enjoyed it too much: I thought you should too. BTW, I'm not sure if I can send this overseas, in case you (most likely living abroad) win this. We will discuss, if that happens.

出展:飛騨高原ハム・オンラインショップ 出展:飛騨高原ハム・オンラインショップ

2nd Place

For the 2nd place runner-up, we will give an Apple Watch. We intend to get the model in the provided link, but depending on what models are available at the time of purchase, this might change.


First Place!

And finally, the first place winner will receive the following Assorted Microsoft Gadget Bag! (actual model for each gadget may change depending on their availability)


I am a Macbook user, but when I saw this, I cried out "I WANT THIS!" Too bad the staff is not eligible. Sigh...

That's It!

So we prepared all this cool stuff for you. Please brush up your talks, and try to advertise that you are talking (you should probably try to do this to the Japanese crowd, as 90% of attendees are Japanese). Please blog and what not so people know what you will be talking about.

See you all soon!

By Daisuke Maki
Jun 22

Talks Accepted! | 採用トーク決定!+トーク審査を終えて

(English follows Japanese)


例年トーク募集を開始すると、主催としては「はたして本当に応募してくれる人がいるのかな?」不安でたまらない日々を過ごすことになるのですが... なんと今年は招待ゲスト等を除いても応募総数180前後のトーク応募がありました!すごい!倍率4倍強です!すごい!




  • * トーク概要が書き込んである+トピックを全く知らない人にとっても足を運ぶ価値がある事を説明できている・しようとしている
  • * 「技術」についての話を優先する。
  • * ユニークなトピックである、もしくはトピックがかぶる場合はなるたけ採用個数を絞る



今回もYAPC::Asia Tokyo の名に恥じない幅広いトークを選出できたと思います。どのトークを聞くのか是非悩んでください!スピーカーの方々は、是非裏番組にまけないようにトーク内容を作り込んできてください!よろしくお願いいたします!


YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015 運営委員会

Every year when we open our call for papers, the organizers are just terrified thinking that nobody will submit their talks. Well, this year we didn't need to be worried about that, as we had an unprecedented 180+ talk submissions for approximately 40 slots! This was just unbelievable.

However, that also meant that the selection process would be a hard one... In fact, of all the YAPC::Asia Tokyo's I have been part of, this was by far the most brutal one to select talks for.

In general this is the criteria we used to pick our talks:

  • * The talk abstract contained significant information, enough for people with minimal knowledge of the subject to be interested in attending the talk.
  • * Prefer talks that are about technology itself.
  • * Prefer talks on "unique" subject. If not, try to cutdown on the number of talks on the same subject.

Obviously these were not the only factors involved in the selection process. Once we had our most favorable picks, we went back and checked for things like number of shares on social networks, balance between talks around a possible time slot, check against resource constraints (such as interpretation), etc. We repeated this process until we had all the slots filled. Towards the end, it was getting really really hard to pick which one of the remaining talks could go into the available slots. Again, it was brutal for the selection committee.

After all was said and done, we are pleased to announce the accepted talks. Please click the links below for a full list. Congratulations to all who were accepted!

We think we were able to choose a wide variety of talks that makes YAPC::Asia Tokyo unique. For those of you attending, have fun trying to decide which talks to attend! For those of you speaking, please check out who your slot is against, and please brush up on your slides!

See you at the venue!

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015 Organizer Team

By Daisuke Maki
Jun 01

Regular Tickets Are On Sale | 通常チケット販売開始します!



  • 学生チケット 無料 (8/21+8/22、Tシャツ無し)
  • 一日チケットA 5500円(8/21、Tシャツ無し)
  • 一日チケットB 5500円(8/22、Tシャツ無し)
  • 二日チケット 6500円(8/21+8/22、Tシャツ無し)
  • 二日チケット 7500円(8/21+8/22、Tシャツ有り)





We are going to start selling regular tickets for YAPC::Asia Tokyo at around 6/1 10:00 JST!

  • Student Pass, Free (8/21+8/22, no T shirt)
  • 1 Day Pass "A", 5500 JPY (8/21, no T shirt)
  • 1 Day Pass "B", 5500 JPY (8/22, no T shirt)
  • 2 Day Pass, 6500 JPY (8/21+8/22, no T shirt)
  • 2 Day Pass, 7500 JPY (8/21+8/22, incl. T shirt)

Due to popular demand, we are also making a few more Individual Sponsorship tickets available. Don't miss it this time!

All tickets allows you to attend the Pre-YAPC event on 8/20. There will also be a Free Dinner on 8/21, which you must register for, but tickets for this will be available on a later date.

This year there will be NO additional tickets. If they go, the only chance you have is to wait for somebody to cancel their tickets (note: We will only accept ticket cancellation until 8/13), so don't miss this opportunity!

By Daisuke Maki