
Aug 06

Call For Lightning Talks | LT 募集開始!

(English follows Japanese)

ふと気づけばもうYAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015の開催が目前まで迫ってきました! ここでLightning Talkの募集を開始致します! Lightning Talkとは5分以内に行うトークのことです。5分になったところでまた終了していない場合は銅鑼が鳴り、そこでトークは終了となります。* 5分というと1スライドに15秒かけると20枚ですよ!

* LTのネタ内容は応募しても発表後まで公表されませんので、応募の際は安心してネタバレしてください。

今年も例年通りDay 1(8月21日)とDay 2(8月22日)にそれぞれ枠があります。それぞれの日のランチ時間前後にどのトークが採用されたのかを@yapcasia のTwitterアカウントLightning Talks Day 1Lightning Talks Day 2のページにて発表します。採用された方はそれぞれのトーク開始10分前に国際会議場にお集まりください。



We are quickly approaching the X-day for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015. And we are opening our Call For Lightning Talks!

Please submit your proposals here. (the contents of your proposal will not be published until after your talk, so feel free to put spoilers in the proposal)

We will announce on our @yapcasia Twitter account and pages for Lightning Talks Day 1 and Day 2 as to which talks were accepted. This will be done around lunch time on Aug 21 (Day 1) and Aug 22 (Day 2) respectively. Please check there, and if your talk is accepted, please come to the Main Hall 10 minutes before the respective lightning talk sessions.

We will accept submissions until lunch time on Aug 22, but do note that if you wait until the last minute, you will only be eligible for the Lightning Talks Day 2 slot, and therefore you will have competition to be selected. We recommend that you submit your proposal early! Please note that you already need to be registered to attend YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015 in order to participate in the Lightning Talks.

By Daisuke Maki