
Aug 18

Vote For The Best Talks! | ベストトーク賞に投票しよう!

(English follows Japanese)

以前アナウンスした通り、YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015では皆様が選んだトークの上位3位までに副賞がつく「ベストトーク賞」を開催しています。




As previously announced, you can vote for the Best Talk Awards!

Anybody with a Peatix ticket can vote. Those with 2 day passes have 4 ballots, 2 ballots for talks on Day 1, and 2 ballots for talks on Day 2. Those with 1 day passes can vote on talks for the day the ticket is valid for. If you are a speaker, please spread the word!

We will accept votes until right before Closing. Results will be announced at the Closing session.

By Daisuke Maki